Creating and Managing Project Proposals

Derek Torres
Derek Torres
  • Updated

Important Note: NorthBoundary is now SalesManager. SalesManager retains all of the customer relationship management and proposal automation benefits of its predecessor, allowing you to create proposals, manage your sales funnel, win and retain top customers. To read more about this exciting change, click here.


In SalesManager, formerly known as NorthBoundary, you can easily create Project Proposals.

This article will walk you through creating and copying Project Proposals.


Creating New Project Proposals

  1. On the Navigation Bar, click Project Mgmt.
  2. Click the + New button. This will open the Job Setup Info Menu.
  3. Enter the Site Info:
    • Project Name - Enter the name of the Project Proposal. This will go on the cover page of your proposal.
    • Margin Setup File -Select from the drop-down list the project's pricing factors. This will determine your margins and labor costs.
    • Market Type - Select from a drop-down list the market type. Selecting this will autofill some other fields, but those fields can still be edited.
    • Parent Job  - Here, you can select a parent Project proposal. This is typically done when you are creating a Job as Change Order to an existing Job.
    • Project Desc - Give the Project a description.
    • Sales Consultant - This will default to the user creating the Maintenance Proposals. You can select another Sales User.
    • One-Way Miles to Site - Select the distance from your Office to the site location.
  4. Enter the Customer & Site Info.
    • Customer - Here, you will select or create the Customer whom you are creating a Proposal for.
      • You can select an existing customer by clicking the Select Customer button. This will open the Choose Customer Menu, where you can search and select from a list of your customers.
      • You can add a new customer by clicking the + New Customer button. This will open the Add Customer Menu. Enter the customer info and click Save. Please take a look at the following article for more information on Creating Customers in SalesManager.
      • You can select an existing contact from the Contact drop-down list.
      • To create a new contact, click the + New Contact button. Add Contact info and click Save.
    • Work Location - Here, you can select or create the work location where you plan to perform the work you propose for this customer.
      • You can select an existing work location by clicking the Select Location button. This will open the Choose Customer Menu, where you can search and select from a list of your customers.
      • You can add a new customer by clicking the + New Location button. This will open the Add Customer Menu. Enter the customer info and click Save. If you want this Work Location to be associated with the Customer, be sure to check to select Is Work Location and select the Parent Customer from the drop-down list.
      • You can select an existing contact from the Contact drop-down list.
      • To create a new contact, click the + New Contact button. Add Contact info and click Save.
    • The Status will be preset to Active.
  5. Click Save when done.

This will create a new Project Proposal with an associated Opportunity preset to the stage 'Opportunity.'

Copying a Project Proposal

Sometimes you want to copy all the customer, asset, and pricing information for an existing Project Proposal into a new one.

  1. On the Navigation Bar, click Project Mgmt.
  2. Click the Copy button. This will open the Copy Job Menu.
  3. Select the proposal you want to copy from the Select Job drop-down.
  4. Click Copy.

This will create a new Project Proposal with most information copied from the selected proposal. This includes the following:

  • All the Job Site Information.
  • All of the Worksheet Information.
  • An associated Opportunity will be created in the stage 'Opportunity.' No additional information or activity will be copied to the Opportunity.
  • All Proposal and Service Repair Estimate information will not be copied and will need to be setup manually.

Deleting a Project Proposal

  1. On the Navigation Bar, click Project Mgmt.
  2. Search and select the relevant Project Proposal.
  3. Click the Job Setup Info tab.
  4. Click the Delete button at the bottom right.
    Screenshot 2023-12-20 at 4.08.54 PM.png

Video Walkthrough

The following video will quickly walk you through Pricing and Proposing a Project Agreement:

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