Creating and Managing Users

Derek Torres
Derek Torres
  • Updated

Important Note: NorthBoundary is now SalesManager. SalesManager retains all of the customer relationship management and proposal automation benefits of its predecessor, allowing you to create proposals, manage your sales funnel, win and retain top customers. To read more about this exciting change, click here.


This article walks Admin Users through setting up new users and managing those users in SalesManager, formerly known as NorthBoundary.


  • Must have the user role Administrator to create and edit users.

User Management Page - User Interface

The User Management page is laid out in a standard table format with a user search field above and a +New button for adding new users. It contains columns for the following user information: First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Phone Number, User Role, and Status. By default, the table is sorted in ascending order by first name.


Creating a New User

  1. On the Navigation Bar, click on User Mgmt.
  2. Click the + New button on the top right.
  3. You will be taken to the Add User page. It contains many fields to fill out to complete your new user's information.
    • Note: all fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are required fields.
  4. Enter in all of the relevant information for your new User.
  5. Click Save to create your new user.

Note: Various fields on a user's profile can be pulled into proposals. These fields include the user's First and Last Name, Title, Company, Address, Contact Info, Website, and Contractor License Number.


Editing an Existing User

There are two main ways to edit an existing user's information:

  • You can simply click the user's hyperlinked First Name in the table to be taken to the Edit User page for that specific user's account.
  • OR you can click on the dropdown triangle on the far right of the user's data row.
    To do so:
    1. Click the dropdown menu triangle on the row of the specific user you want to edit.
    2. Click the Edit Button to be taken to the Edit User page for that specific user.

This is what the Edit User page looks like. Please note that all fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are required fields.

Note: Various fields on a user's profile can be pulled into proposals. These fields include the user's First and Last Name, Title, Company, Address, Contact Info, Website, and Contractor License Number.


Managing my User Profile

  1. Your user profile can be accessed by clicking on your username on the top right.
  2. Then click Profile.
  3. Here you can edit your user information.

Create a User Signature

You can add a user signature for your user. These can be automatically added to proposals when printing or sending to a customer.

  1. Follow the steps to Managing my User Profile.
  2. On the Personal Info section click the Create Signature button.
    Screenshot 2024-06-13 at 4.56.12 PM.png
  3. This will open the Signature Wizard.
  4. You can click to select whether you want to TypeDraw, or Upload your signature. Below is an example of the Draw workflow.
    Screenshot 2024-06-13 at 4.56.55 PM.png
  5. Click Save when done.

User Status Options

On the Edit User page, Admins can mark users as Active or Inactive, and can also Disable Login for a specific user. These settings are found at the bottom of the Edit User page. These status settings are helpful for restricting access for specific users or deactivating users who may have left your company.

Locking / Unlocking Accounts

SalesManager allows for locking and unlocking accounts. We highly recommend immediately locking a user account when they have left your company.

Note: SalesManager will automatically lock a user's account after ten unsuccessful login attempts.

  1. On the Navigation Bar, click on User Mgmt.
  2. Click on the relevant user's name.
  3. To prevent a user from logging in, make sure Disable Login is checked.

    Note: If a user is locked out and needs to be unlocked, ensure this is unchecked.

  4. After making the necessary changes, click on Save.

Resetting your Password

  1. When logging in to SalesManager, if you receive a wrong password message, you can always click the Forgot Password link at the bottom of the menu.
    Offlice Password 2.png
  2. This will send you an email to the email address in your account settings that will allow you to reset your password.
  3. Click the click here to reset your password link to be redirected to a Change Your Password Menu.
  4. Enter and Re-enter in your New Password.
    Screenshot 2023-09-20 at 2.31.44 PM.png
  5. Click Reset Password.

Changing a Users Password

As an Admin, you will need to do the following to reset their password:

  1. Log in as an Admin.
  2. Navigate to the User Mgmt page.
  3. Select the User whose password you want to reset.
  4. On the User's page, click a Send Reset password email button.
  5. This action will send a password reset email to the user's email address.
  6. Click the click here to reset your password link to be redirected to a Change Your Password Menu.
  7. The user will then click Confirm to be redirected to a Change Your Password Menu.
  8. They will then enter and re-enter their New Password.
    Screenshot 2023-09-20 at 2.31.44 PM.png
  9. They will then click Reset Password to finalize the password reset.

How to Reassign a Job to a Different User

IMPORTANT: When an Sales User leaves your company, do not delete a user's account before completing the following steps: 

First, you should disable their login by checking the Disable Login checkbox on the Edit User page (see above under "User Status Options.")

Once the user's account is set to Disable Login, you can now transfer any corresponding jobs to another user's account by following these steps:

  1. On the Navigation bar, click Maintenance Mgmt and/or Project Mgmt.
    • If you need to transfer Maintenance and Project Proposals, repeat this step-by-step for each page.
  2. Click on the Transfer Jobs button in the upper right.
  3. On the Transfer Job window that pops up, select the checkbox on the jobs that you would like to transfer to a new user.
    IMPORTANT: Do not transfer jobs that have sold, dead, or lost opportunities, as this will affect the total sales reported for the new opportunity owner. (see below for a workaround for this.)
  4. Next, in the Transfer From dropdown, select the user who you wish to transfer the job away from.
  5. In the Transfer To dropdown, select the user you wish to transfer the job to.
  6. Click Transfer to reassign the job from the previous user to the new user.

How to transfer jobs that have sold, dead, or lost opportunities:

  1. In System Settings, under Opportunities, create a new Opportunity Stage called "Misc."
  2. On the Maintenance Management page, review jobs in the sold, dead, and lost opportunity stage.
  3. Move the desired jobs into the newly created "Misc." stage.
  4. Once in the new Misc. opportunity stage, you can now transfer the jobs to the new user without affecting the total sales reported for the new opportunity owner.

Deleting a User

Warning: Do not delete a Sales user before following the steps on How to Reassign a Job to a Different User

  1. Click the dropdown menu triangle on the row of the specific user you want to delete.
  2. Click the Delete Button.
  3. You will be presented with a confirmation dialogue.
  4. Click OK to delete the user.

Importing Users

Click the following link to learn more about importing users. Bulk Importing in SalesManager



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