Creating and Managing Reminders

Derek Torres
Derek Torres
  • Updated

Important Note: NorthBoundary is now SalesManager. SalesManager retains all of the customer relationship management and proposal automation benefits of its predecessor, allowing you to create proposals, manage your sales funnel, win and retain top customers. To read more about this exciting change, click here.


Reminders in SalesManager, formerly known as NorthBoundary, can help you and your sales team stay on top of any activities or communications your company needs to make regarding Leads, Opportunities, Customers, and Contacts.

These reminders can be shared to your Microsoft Outlook Calendar or Google Calendar via email.

This article will walk you through creating and managing Reminders.

Reminders Overview

How to Access the Reminders Page

The Reminders page can be accessed via the navigation bar to the left-hand side of the SalesManager interface.


The Reminders page is laid out in a table view, which allows you to see all of your reminders at a glance. It contains fields for Subject, Related To (Entity), Company, Contact, Comments, Activity Date, Due Date, Owner, Status, and Priority. By default, the table is sorted in descending order by Activity Date, or the date that the reminder was created.



Reminders Search and Filtering

There are filtering options at the top of the page that allow you to specify which Reminders you would like to see in the table. The filtering options are as follows, from left to right:

  • All Reminders: This drop-down menu allows you to select which type of reminders you would like to see appear in the table, based on the type of entity they are associated with: Leads, Opportunities, Customers, Contacts.

  • Search Dropdown + Field: This search dropdown and search field allows you to search by a specific field in the table to display just the Reminders that you would like to see, based on your own specific search terms.

  • Select Organization: This dropdown filter menu allows you to select which Organization, Office, and User you would like to view reminders for. You can select multiple options via the checkboxes.

  • Ending Date: This date picker dropdown allows you to select the time range for the Reminders you would like to view on the page. The start date is always set to the current date, and you will use the picker to select the ending date for the date range you wish to see Reminders for.

  • Delete Button: This button allows you to delete any of the Reminders you have selected via the checkbox in the table below.



How to Create a Reminder

You can create a new reminder activity on any Lead, Opportunity, Customer, or Contact page within SalesManager.

To do so, you will need to the following:

  1. Locate the Activity Menu on the respective entity page.
  2. Click on the Add Reminder tab to open up the reminder data entry window.
  3. Enter a Subject.
  4. Select a Due Date and Time.
  5. The reminder will be automatically assigned to you, but you can select another user on the Assigned To drop-down.
  6. *optional Enter a Comment.
  7. If it's a new reminder, the Status should be 'Open.'
  8. Click the Priority drop-down menu to select the priority level.
  9. *optional Check the Send to Schedule box to have a calendar reminder (.ics file) emailed to the assigned user for importing into their calendar system of choice.
  10. Click Save when done.



How to Edit a Reminder

There are two ways to edit a reminder in SalesManager:

Editing via the Dropdown Edit Button

  1. Click the triangle dropdown icon next to the priority field on the row of any reminder in the reminders table.
  2. Then select the Edit button that appears to open the Edit Activity window.


Editing via Subject Name

  1. Click on the Reminder Subject field on any reminder in the table.
  2. This will open up the Edit Activity menu which will allow you to make changes to the reminder.

Once opened, this is what the Edit Activity window will look like (below). You can then edit and update any fields for your Reminder Activity and click Save once completed.


How to Delete a Reminder

There are two ways to delete a reminder from SalesManager via the Reminder page.

Deleting via the Dropdown Delete Button

  1. Click the triangle dropdown icon next to the priority field on the row of any reminder in the reminders table.
  2. Then select the Delete button that appears to open the Edit Activity window.


Deleting via Checkboxes and Delete Button

  1. Click the checkbox on the row of the Reminder you want to delete.
  2. Click the Delete button in the filter section above the table to delete the selected Reminder.
  3. A confirmation dialogue will pop-up, click Ok to confirm and make the deletion.


Sending Reminders to Your Calendar System

In SalesManager, you can send your reminder to your calendar system of choice as a calendar event.

To do so, you will need to check the Send to Schedule checkbox when creating the reminder.

When enabled, this setting will send an email with an attached .ics calendar file to the "Assigned to" user's email. You can then import this .ics calendar file into your calendar system of choice as an event.


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