Important Note: NorthBoundary is now SalesManager. SalesManager retains all of the customer relationship management and proposal automation benefits of its predecessor, allowing you to create proposals, manage your sales funnel, win and retain top customers. To read more about this exciting change, click here.
In SalesManager, formerly known as NorthBoundary, you can add Asset Groups, Assets, Subassets, and their parts to a Maintenance Proposal.
Adding Asset Groups and Transfering Assets
- On the Navigation Bar, click Maintenance Mgmt.
- Search and select the relevant Maintenance Proposal.
- Click the Assets tab.
- Under the Asset Inventory Menu, click the + button on the top section. This will open the Add Asset Group menu.
- Enter a name for the asset group.
- Click Save when done.
Adding an Asset
- On the Navigation Bar, click Maintenance Mgmt.
- Search and select the relevant Maintenance Proposal.
- Click the Assets tab.
- Under the Asset Inventory Menu, on the relevant Asset Group, click the + button. This will open the Asset Type Menu.
- Select the asset type from the Asset Type drop-down.
- Note: You can click to select the view in either 'Long' or 'Short.'
- Enter all required asset (*) information. See below for details on select asset fields:
Read Utilizing the Data Plate Reader for Assets to use plate readers to automate some of this process.
- Quantity - The quantity of these asset(s).
- Ton - The weight of the asset in tons.
- HP - The horsepower of the asset.
- Unit Description - A brief description of the asset.
- Manufacturer - The assets manufacturer.
- You can add manufacturers to this asset type's Manufacturer List. Click the + button. Enter the Manufacturer's name, and click Save.
- You can add manufacturers to this asset type's Manufacturer List. Click the + button. Enter the Manufacturer's name, and click Save.
- Model Number - The asset's model number.
- You can look up the Model Number across all your assets on Maintenance Proposals. Click Model Lookup, then search for the model.
- You can look up the Model Number across all your assets on Maintenance Proposals. Click Model Lookup, then search for the model.
- Serial Number - The asset's serial number.
- Location - The location of the asset at the work site.
- You can add a site location to your proposal's locations list. Click the + button. Enter the Location's name, and click Save.
- Area Served - The area served for this asset.
- Year Installed - The year the asset was installed. It will auto-fill with the Average Asset Install Year you entered when creating the proposal. (Format: YYYY)
- Warranty / Coverage Expiration - Check to select if this asset has a warranty or coverage. Then enter or select the expiration date. (Format: MM/DD/YYYY)
- Is Subcomponent - Check to select if this asset is a subcomponent (subasset) of another asset on this proposal. Then select from the Select Parent Asset drop-down the parent asset of this subcomponent.
- Verified for Accuracy - You can check to select if an asset has been verified for accuracy. This will allow you to filter for accuracy when looking up model numbers.
- Notes - Enter any notes about the asset you would like.
- *optional Click to select the Assessment Tab. This useful for Condition Assement Reports. Enter a Unit Condition Grade, Budget Replacement Cost, and Life Expectancy in Years.
- *optional Click to select the Assessment Details Tab. Enter a Condition Assessment, Recommendations, and Estimated Repair Cost.
- *optional Click Show Inspections to view your Inspections. It will auto-fill with the number of seasonal inspections and coil cleanings.
- You can select Labor Class for each inspection.
- If you check to select User Defined Time Per Insp you can select the number of seasonal inspections and coil cleanings.
- You can also enter the Hours Per Inspection.
- When done, click Save.
- The asset will appear. under the relevant Asset Group.
Adding Filters, Belts, and Parts to an Asset
On an asset or subasset (subcomponent), you can add filters, belts, and parts.
- On the Navigation Bar, click Maintenance Mgmt.
- Search and select the relevant Maintenance Proposal.
- On the Assets Tab in the Asset Inventory Menu, select the relevant Asset.
- Click either Filter, Belts, or Parts.
- Select the Labor Class.
- Select the Filter, Belt, or Part Type on the Enter Asset Menu.
- Enter a Manufacturer.
- Enter a description or size in the Desc/ Size field.
- Enter a replacement time for each type in the Time ea. field.
- Enter a cost for each type in the Cost ea. field.
- Enter the quantity of this type in the Qty field.
- Enter the change time for the type in the Chg/Yr field.
Selecting Filters, Belts, and Parts from Your Library
You can select and add filters, belts, or parts to your asset from your library. This will auto-fill information from your library. Make sure to read about how to add assets.
- On the Navigation Bar, click Maintenance Mgmt.
- Search and select the relevant Maintenance Proposal.
- On the Assets Tab in the Asset Inventory Menu, select the relevant Asset.
- Click either Filter, Belts, or Parts.
- On the Select from Type Library, select which type you want to auto-fill.
- Make any necessary changes.
- Click Save.
Adding Picture to an Asset
- On the Navigation Bar, click Maintenance Mgmt.
- Search and select the relevant Maintenance Proposal.
- On the Assets Tab in the Asset Inventory Menu, select the relevant Asset.
- Click on Pictures.
- Enter a Description.
- Click Upload Asset Picture.
- Choose from your computer the image file.
- Click Save.
Copying an Asset
Copying an asset can be useful when you have similar or identical assets at a site location.
- On the Navigation Bar, click Maintenance Mgmt.
- Search and select the relevant Maintenance Proposal.
- On the Assets Tab in the Asset Inventory Menu, select the relevant Asset.
- Click the Copy button.
- On Copy Asset Menu, select the quantity you want to copy.
- Click Ok.
- The copy will appear on the Asset Inventory.
Editing an Asset
- On the Navigation Bar, click Maintenance Mgmt.
- Search and select the relevant Maintenance Proposal.
- On the Assets Tab in the Asset Inventory Menu, select the relevant Asset.
- Click the Details button.
- Make changes.
- Click Save.
Deleting an Asset
- On the Navigation Bar, click Maintenance Mgmt.
- Search and select the relevant Maintenance Proposal.
- On the Assets Tab in the Asset Inventory Menu, check to select the relevant Asset(s).
- Click the Trash Can Icon at the top of the Asset Inventory Menu.
- Click OK.
Deleting an Asset Group
Important Note: Be cautious! Deleting an asset group will delete ALL assets within it.
- On the Navigation Bar, click Maintenance Mgmt.
- Search and select the relevant Maintenance Proposal.
- On the Assets Tab in the Asset Inventory Menu, click the trash can icon on the relevant Asset Group.
- Click OK.
Asset Grid View
You can view your Maintenance Proposals assets in a grid view. This allows you to edit and update multiple assets faster.
- On the Navigation Bar, click Maintenance Mgmt.
- Search and select the relevant Maintenance Proposal.
- On the Assets Tab in the Asset Inventory Menu, select the relevant Asset.
- Click the Grid View button.
- This will open a Grid View that functions very similar to a spreadsheet.
- Click the + button to add a part.
- Click this x button to delete the asset row.
Updating Multiple Fields for Multiple Assets with Grid View
- On the Navigation Bar, click Maintenance Mgmt.
- Click to open the relevant Maintenance Proposal.
- Click the Assets Tab.
- In the Asset Inventory panel, click the Grid View button.
- Click on a cell and click the Enter key on your keyword.
- Use your arrow keys to select the cell to copy.
- Copy the selected cell using Ctrl + C or CMD + C.
- Using Shift + arrow keys, highlight the other cells to paste over and paste the value using Ctrl + V or CMD + V.
- Click the Back button to go to the previous Assets Page.
Adding Sub Contractors
Follow the steps below to add a flat subcontractor fee for a proposal.
- On the Navigation Bar, click Maintenance Mgmt.
- Click to open the relevant Maintenance Proposal.
- Click the Assets Tab.
- On the Asset Inventory Menu, click the + button.
- On the Asset Type section that appears, click on the drop-down menu and select Sub Contracts.
- Fill in the following required fields: Contractor Name, Work Desc, and Amount.
- Click Save.
The Sub Contract fee will now appear in Service Pricing.
Note: If the Sub contracts' value in Service Pricing is different from what you assigned, then there is a Sub Contract margin associated with Sub Contract in your maintenance pricing factors Settings.
Importing Assets from a CSV File
When you have assets and their information in ServiceTrade or another system that you want to import into SalesManager, you can use the Import CSV File option within SalesManager.
- On the Navigation Bar, click Maintenance Mgmt.
- Click to open the relevant Maintenance Proposal.
- Click the Assets Tab.
- On the Asset Inventory Menu, click the Actions button.
- From the drop-down menu, click Import CSV File.
- To download an asset template file, click either the Download a sample Excel file with type list selection boxes or Download a sample CSV file.
- Open the CVS file within your spreadsheet software and fill in your asset information in the CSV file.
- Back in SalesManager, click the Select a CSV File button and select the CSV file with your assets.
- Review the Options and Asset Type Mapping Options sections below.
- Click Import to import your assets.
Importing a Survey on a Maintenance Proposal
If you have already created a Maintenance Proposal and want to import one or more survey(s) from the Survey Manager, follow the instructions below.
- On the Navigation Bar, click Maintenance Mgmt.
- Click to open the relevant Maintenance Proposal.
- Click the Assets Tab.
- On the Asset Inventory Menu, click the Actions button.
- Click Import Survey.
- Search and then click to select the Survey Job Name you want to import.
- Click Import.
- The assets will be imported into the 'Assets' Asset Group.
- Repeat the steps for as many surveys as you would like.
Exporting Assets
- On the Navigation Bar, click Maintenance Mgmt.
- Search and select the relevant Maintenance Proposal.
- On the Assets Tab in the Asset Inventory Menu, select the relevant Asset.
- Click the Actions button.
- Select your Export option.
For more details on exporting please reference this article: Exporting in SalesManager.
Read the following article to learn how Export Job to ServiceTrade works if you have ServiceTrade connected to your system: Pushing SalesManager Maintenance Proposal Information to ServiceTrade
Creating a CSV Export Template
The video below will walk you through how to create a CSV Export Template:
Utilizing the Data Plate Reader for Assets
Click here to learn more for Utilizing the Data Plate Reader for Assets