Asset Type Manager

Derek Torres
Derek Torres
  • Updated

Important Note: NorthBoundary is now SalesManager. SalesManager retains all of the customer relationship management and proposal automation benefits of its predecessor, allowing you to create proposals, manage your sales funnel, win and retain top customers. To read more about this exciting change, click here.


The Asset Type Manager is a System Setting Menu that allows you to add and edit asset groups and their asset types.

When Managing Assets on a Maintenance Proposal, you can add assets to your Asset Inventory from a preset Asset Type List. An Admin can set up this list via the Asset Type Manager.

This article will walk you through using the Asset Type Manager to manage your assets available to be added on a Maintenance Proposal.

To access your Asset Type Manager settings:

  1. Click the wheel icon on the top right of the page.
    • This will open a System Settings page, allowing you to access all sub-menus.
  2. Click the Maintenance Mgmt button on the Nav Bar.
  3. Click the Asset Type Manager Button.

Asset Type Groups

Asset Type Groups are the organizational groups that contain your Asset Types.

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Adding an Asset Type Group

  1. Click the wheel icon on the top right of the page.
  2. Click the Maintenance Mgmt button on the Nav Bar.
  3. Click the Asset Type Manager Button.
  4. Click the New + button on the top right. This will open the Asset Type Group Information menu.
  5. Enter an Asset Type Group name.
    • Note: Use a generic catch-all for a type of asset. If you want to add a specific asset to your list, please go to the Asset Types section.
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  6. Click Save.

Editing and Deleting an Asset Type Group

  1. Click the wheel icon on the top right of the page.
  2. Click the Maintenance Mgmt button on the Nav Bar.
  3. Click the Asset Type Manager Button.
  4. Click the down arrow next to the Asset Type Group you want to edit or delete.
    NB_Edit Asset Type Group.png
  5. Click either Edit or Delete. This will open the Asset Type Group Information menu:
    • Edit - You can change the group name or mark the group inactive.
    • Delete - You can delete the group. Warning: Delete the group will delete all asset types in the group.

Asset Types

Asset Types are the specific type of asset, and are organized within Asset Groups:

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Adding an Asset Type

  1. Click the wheel icon on the top right of the page.
  2. Click the Maintenance Mgmt button on the Nav Bar.
  3. Click the Asset Type Manager Button.
  4. Click the down arrow next to the Asset Type Group where you want to add an asset type.
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  5. Click Edit.
  6. Click the Asset Types Tab.
  7. On the Asset Types Menu, click the + Add New Button. This will open the Asset Type Entry Menu.
    NB_Asset Type Entry.png
  8. Enter the Asset Type Details:
    Field Name Definition
    Description Description of the Asset Type. This is what will be shown when searching to add assets to a Maintenance Proposal Asset Inventory.
    Asset Type This is the Type ID that shows up on the import and export list for this Asset Type.
    Asset Type for Alternate Export Listing If you use you need an alternate Asset Type ID for another system or use the Coins export tool, you can use this field.
    ServiceTrade Asset Type

    *If you have a ServiceTrade + SalesManager

    The ServiceTrade Asset Type that you want sent to ServiceTrade Locations, when Pushing SalesManager Maintenance Proposal Information to ServiceTrade

    Default Unit Description

    After an asset type has been added to a Maintenance Proposal Asset Inventory, it will appear in the list as an Abbreviation followed by a Number.

    Enter the preferred Abbreviation here.

    NB_Default Unit Desc.png

    Life Expectancy in Years

    Enter the typical life expectancy in years for this asset type. This will appear in the Asset Details Assessment section in parentheses as a reference where you can override it.

    This value will be used in the Maintenance Proposal Condition Assessment report unless you override it.

    Screenshot 2023-08-23 at 10.07.05 AM.png

    Rating Description

    This is a customizable field name that will appear in the Asset Details.

    • If you enter a Rating Description, this will become a required field on the Asset Details. It will also allow you to enter information that will use the Asset Type Ratings info:
      Screenshot 2023-08-25 at 4.33.26 PM.png
    • If you leave it blank it will not appear on the Asset Details.

    Common settings: "HP", "Ton"

    Rating Help Message You can add a help message to explain what the Rating Description field is for:
    Screenshot 2023-08-25 at 4.37.26 PM.png
    Participate in Compressors Economy in Scale This enables this asset type use of the Compressor Economy in Scale
    Is Misc Asset Marks this as a miscellaneous asset.
    Is Misc Parts Marks this as a miscellaneous part.
    Hide from Inventory Print Use this if you want to price but don't want it to show up on the inventory list.
    Do not Auto Number

    By default, assets will add numbers in sequential order after the asset type abbreviation such as 001, 002, etc...

    This will disable that feature.

    Hide Coil Cleaning This will hide coil cleaning, Can be applicable for assets without coil cleanings.
    Asset Type Picture Here you can upload an example image of this type of Asset.
    Cooling Season Factor There is a seasonal calculation, where SalesManager adjusts pricing tables based on your climate.
    Heating Season Factor There is a seasonal calculation, where SalesManager adjusts pricing tables based on your climate.
    Def Labor Cls Pick the labor class
    Default Season Inspection This determines how many inspection(s) per for this type of asset for this seasonal inspection or coil cleaning.
  9. Click Save.
  10. This will create the Asset Type in that group. From here you can now edit the asset type Ratings, AgeOperating Hrs, Condition Factors, and Optional Subcomponents. Which will be discussed in the following sections.

Setting Asset Type Ratings Tables

Asset Type Rating Tables allow you to set, add, and edit rating options when you add an asset to a proposal, which will then determine how many labor hours and how much replacement cost is required for an asset of this type and rating level.

Note: The Age, Operating Hrs, and Condition Factors table can be updated in the same manner but not all assets utilize every table.

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  1. Click the wheel icon on the top right of the page.
  2. Click the Maintenance Mgmt button on the Nav Bar.
  3. Click the Asset Type Manager Button.
  4. Click the down arrow next to the Asset Type Group where you want to add an asset type.
    NB_Edit Asset Type Group.png
  5. Click Edit.
  6. Click the Asset Types Tab.
  7. Select the relevant Asset Type from the list below.
  8. Click the Ratings button.
  9. To edit existing rows, click on any field and change the text.
  10. To delete a row, click the in the Delete column.
    Screenshot 2024-03-26 at 9.32.36 AM.png
  11. To add a row, click the + New Line button.
    Screenshot 2024-03-26 at 9.33.23 AM.png
  12. Click Save Changes to save your changes, or click Reject Changes to cancel these changes.

Re-Factor Asset Type Rating Tables

The Re-factor tool allows you to adjust your corresponding inspection or maintenance column by entering a new multiplier in the field of the column you'd like to change.

  1. Click the Re-Factor button.
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  2. The Adjustment Factors menu will allow you to change the multiplier for each column in your Ratings Table.
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  3. When done click OK.
  4. You will see the changed columns values change based on the multiplier set, and red marks to indicate changes have been made:
    • In the above example, we set the multiplier for the 'Summer' columns to '0.80'. So on the top right cell, the original value was '0.19'.  0.19 x .80 = 0.15, which is what you see in the changed column.
  5. Click Save Changes to save your changes, or click Reject Changes to cancel these changes.

Setting Age Ratings Tables

Age Rating Tables allow you to set, add, and edit asset age options when you add an asset to a proposal, which will then determine how many additional labor hours is required for an asset of this type and age.


  1. Click the wheel icon on the top right of the page.
  2. Click the Maintenance Mgmt button on the Nav Bar.
  3. Click the Asset Type Manager Button.
  4. Click the down arrow next to the Asset Type Group where you want to add an asset type.
    NB_Edit Asset Type Group.png
  5. Click Edit.
  6. Click the Asset Types Tab.
  7. Select the relevant Asset Type from the list below.
  8. Click the Age button.
  9. To edit existing rows, click on any field and change the text.
  10. To delete a row, click the in the Delete column.
    Screenshot 2024-03-26 at 9.32.36 AM.png
  11. To add a row, click the + New Line button.
    Screenshot 2024-03-26 at 9.33.23 AM.png
  12. Click Save Changes to save your changes, or click Reject Changes to cancel these changes.

Setting Operating Hours Ratings Tables

Operating Hours Ratings Tables allow you to set, add, and edit asset operational hours options when you add an asset to a proposal, which will then determine how many additional labor hours is required for an asset of this type and with the operationing hours.

  1. Click the wheel icon on the top right of the page.
  2. Click the Maintenance Mgmt button on the Nav Bar.
  3. Click the Asset Type Manager Button.
  4. Click the down arrow next to the Asset Type Group where you want to add an asset type.
    NB_Edit Asset Type Group.png
  5. Click Edit.
  6. Click the Asset Types Tab.
  7. Select the relevant Asset Type from the list below.
  8. Click the Operating Hrs button.
  9. To edit existing rows, click on any field and change the text.
  10. To delete a row, click the in the Delete column.
    Screenshot 2024-03-26 at 9.32.36 AM.png
  11. To add a row, click the + New Line button.
    Screenshot 2024-03-26 at 9.33.23 AM.png
  12. Click Save Changes to save your changes, or click Reject Changes to cancel these changes.

Setting Condition Factors Ratings Tables

Condition Factors Ratings Tables allow you to set, add, and edit asset operational hours options when you add an asset to a proposal, which will then determine how many additional labor hours is required for an asset of this type and with the selected Condition Factor.

  1. Click the wheel icon on the top right of the page.
  2. Click the Maintenance Mgmt button on the Nav Bar.
  3. Click the Asset Type Manager Button.
  4. Click the down arrow next to the Asset Type Group where you want to add an asset type.
    NB_Edit Asset Type Group.png
  5. Click Edit.
  6. Click the Asset Types Tab.
  7. Select the relevant Asset Type from the list below.
  8. Click the Condition Factors button.
  9. To edit existing rows, click on any field and change the text.
  10. To delete a row, click the in the Delete column.
    Screenshot 2024-03-26 at 9.32.36 AM.png
  11. To add a row, click the + New Line button.
    Screenshot 2024-03-26 at 9.33.23 AM.png
  12. Click Save Changes to save your changes, or click Reject Changes to cancel these changes.

ServiceTrade + SalesManager Asset Settings

Click the following article to learn how to use the Asset Type Manager to adjust what asset types get sent to ServiceTrade.

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