Transferring a Proposal to a Another User

Derek Torres
Derek Torres
  • Updated

Important Note: NorthBoundary is now SalesManager. SalesManager retains all of the customer relationship management and proposal automation benefits of its predecessor, allowing you to create proposals, manage your sales funnel, win and retain top customers. To read more about this exciting change, click here.


When an Sales User leaves your company, do not delete a user's account. Complete the following steps: 

Transferring a Proposal to Another User

Step 1: you should disable their login by checking the Disable Login checkbox on the Edit User page.

  1. On the Navigation Bar, click on User Mgmt.
  2. Click the + New button on the top right.
  3. You will be taken to the Add User page. It contains many fields to fill out to complete your new user's information.
    • Note: all fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are required fields.
  4. Enter in all of the relevant information for your new User.
  5. Click Save to create your new user.

Step 2: Once the user's account is set to Disable Login, you can now transfer any corresponding jobs to another user's account by following these steps:

  1. On the Navigation bar, click Maintenance Mgmt and/or Project Mgmt.
    • If you need to transfer Maintenance and Project Proposals, repeat this step-by-step for each page.
  2. Click on the Transfer Jobs button in the upper right.
  3. On the Transfer Job window that pops up, select the checkbox on the jobs that you would like to transfer to a new user.
    IMPORTANT: Do not transfer jobs that have sold, dead, or lost opportunities, as this will affect the total sales reported for the new opportunity owner. (see below for a workaround for this.)
  4. Next, in the Transfer From dropdown, select the user who you wish to transfer the job away from.
  5. In the Transfer To dropdown, select the user you wish to transfer the job to.
  6. Click Transfer to reassign the job from the previous user to the new user.

How to transfer jobs that have sold, dead, or lost opportunities:

  1. In System Settings, under Opportunities, create a new Opportunity Stage called "Misc."
  2. On the Maintenance Management page, review jobs in the sold, dead, and lost opportunity stage.
  3. Move the desired jobs into the newly created "Misc." stage.
  4. Once in the new Misc. opportunity stage, you can now transfer the jobs to the new user without affecting the total sales reported for the new opportunity owner.

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