Important Note: NorthBoundary is now SalesManager. SalesManager retains all of the customer relationship management and proposal automation benefits of its predecessor, allowing you to create proposals, manage your sales funnel, win and retain top customers. To read more about this exciting change, click here.
In this article, you will find supported tags for the Word document templates which are used in proposal pages, reports, and module-specific print.
General Tags
Sales Representative Tags
Sales Rep. Full Name |
<<SalesRepName>> |
Sales Rep. Title |
<<SalesRepTitle>> |
Sales Rep. Company |
<<SalesRepCompany>> |
Sales Rep. Phone |
<<SalesRepPhone>> |
Sales Rep. Mobile |
<<SalesRepMobile>> |
Sales Rep. Fax |
<<SalesRepFax>> |
Sales Rep. Email |
<<SalesRepEmail>> |
Sales Rep. Full Address |
<<SalesRepAddress>> |
Sales Rep. Street Address |
<<SalesRepStreet>> |
Sales Rep. City |
<<SalesRepCity>> |
Sales Rep. State |
<<SalesRepState>> |
Sales Rep. Zipcode |
<<SalesRepZip>> |
Sales Rep. Contractor Licence Number |
<<ContractorLicenseNumber>> |
Sales Rep. Sign |
<<SalesRepSign>> |
Sales Rep. Org Cover Page Logo |
<<OrgCoverPageLogo>> |
Sales Rep. Org Header Logo |
<<OrgHeaderLogo>> |
Customer Info Tags
Customer Name |
<<CustName>> |
Customer Address |
<<CustAddress>> |
Customer Custom1 Field |
<<CustomerCustom1>> |
Customer Custom2 Field |
<<CustomerCustom2>> |
Customer Custom3 Field |
<<CustomerCustom3>> |
Customer Custom4 Field |
<<CustomerCustom4>> |
Customer Custom5 Field |
<<CustomerCustom5>> |
Customer Custom6 Field |
<<CustomerCustom6>> |
Customer Custom7 Field |
<<CustomerCustom7>> |
Customer Custom8 Field |
<<CustomerCustom8>> |
Customer Custom9 Field |
<<CustomerCustom9>> |
Customer Custom10 Field |
<<CustomerCustom10>> |
Customer Contact Info Tags
Contact First Name |
<<CustContactFirstName>> |
Contact Last Name |
<<CustContactLastName>> |
Contact Full Name |
<<CustContact>> |
Full Name with Salutation |
<<CustSalutationContact>> |
Contact Phone |
<<CustContactPhone>> |
Contact Fax |
<<CustContactFax>> |
Contact Mobile |
<<CustContactCell>> |
Contact Email |
<<CustContactEmail>> |
Contact Title |
<<CustContactTitle>> |
Contact Custom1 Field |
<<CustContactCustom1>> |
Contact Custom2 Field |
<<CustContactCustom2>> |
Contact Custom3 Field |
<<CustContactCustom3>> |
Contact Custom4 Field |
<<CustContactCustom4>> |
Contact Custom5 Field |
<<CustContactCustom5>> |
Contact Custom6 Field |
<<CustContactCustom6>> |
Contact Custom7 Field |
<<CustContactCustom7>> |
Contact Custom8 Field |
<<CustContactCustom8>> |
Contact Custom9 Field |
<<CustContactCustom9>> |
Contact Custom10 Field |
<<CustContactCustom10>> |
Site Info Tags
Site Name |
<<SiteName>> |
Site Address |
<<SiteAddress>> |
Site Custom1 Field |
<<SiteCustom1>> |
Site Custom2 Field |
<<SiteCustom2>> |
Site Custom3 Field |
<<SiteCustom3>> |
Site Custom4 Field |
<<SiteCustom4>> |
Site Custom5 Field |
<<SiteCustom5>> |
Site Custom6 Field |
<<SiteCustom6>> |
Site Custom7 Field |
<<SiteCustom7>> |
Site Custom8 Field |
<<SiteCustom8>> |
Site Custom9 Field |
<<SiteCustom9>> |
Site Custom10 Field |
<<SiteCustom10>> |
Site Contact Info Tags
Contact First Name |
<<SiteContactFirstName>> |
Contact Last Name |
<<SiteContactLastName>> |
Contact Full Name |
<<SiteContact>> |
Full Name with Salutation |
<<SiteSalutationContact>> |
Contact Phone |
<<SiteContactPhone>> |
Contact Fax |
<<SiteContactFax>> |
Contact Mobile |
<<SiteContactCell>> |
Contact Email |
<<SiteContactEmail>> |
Contact Title |
<<SiteContactTitle>> |
Contact Custom1 Field |
<<SiteContactCustom1>> |
Contact Custom2 Field |
<<SiteContactCustom2>> |
Contact Custom3 Field |
<<SiteContactCustom3>> |
Contact Custom4 Field |
<<SiteContactCustom4>> |
Contact Custom5 Field |
<<SiteContactCustom5>> |
Contact Custom6 Field |
<<SiteContactCustom6>> |
Contact Custom7 Field |
<<SiteContactCustom7>> |
Contact Custom8 Field |
<<SiteContactCustom8>> |
Contact Custom9 Field |
<<SiteContactCustom9>> |
Contact Custom10 Field |
<<SiteContactCustom10>> |
Customer Care Module Tags
Customer Care Related Tags
Customer Care Call Name |
<<ProjectName>> |
Customer Care Call Desc. |
<<ProjectDesc>> |
Customer Care Custom1 Field |
<<CCCustom1>> |
Customer Care Custom2 Field |
<<CCCustom2>> |
Customer Care Custom3 Field |
<<CCCustom3>> |
Customer Care Custom4 Field |
<<CCCustom4>> |
Customer Care Custom5 Field |
<<CCCustom5>> |
Customer Care Custom6 Field |
<<CCCustom6>> |
Customer Care Custom7 Field |
<<CCCustom7>> |
Maintenance Module Tags
Proposal and Report Tags
Job Information |
Job Number |
<<JobId>> |
Job Name |
<<JobName>> |
One-way Miles to Site |
<<MilesToJob>> |
Agreement Information |
Proposal Cover Page Picture |
<<CvrPic>> |
Proposal Number |
<<ProposalNumber>> |
Agreement Number |
<<AgreementNumber>> |
Proposal Date |
<<ProposalDate>> |
Commence Date |
<<CommenceDate>> |
Agreement Price |
<<Price>> |
Agreement Instalment |
<<Installment>> |
Agreement Payable Term |
<<PayableTerm>> |
Agreement Effective Date |
<<EffectiveDate>> |
Agreement Term Year |
<<Term>> |
Agreement Note |
<<AgmntNote>> |
Maintenance Program |
<<MaintProgram>> |
Agreement Text, If Agreement Type Standard, then Standard Agreement Text else User Define Agreement Text |
<<AgmntTxt>> |
Standard Agreement Text |
<<StandardAgmntTxt>> |
Agreement Type Description |
Full Cvrg Plus Program Desc. |
<<FullPlusPrg>> |
Full Cvrg Program Desc. |
<<FullPrg>> |
PM Plus Program Desc. |
<<PMPlusPrg>> |
PM Program Desc |
<<PMPrg>> |
Test and Insp Program Desc. |
<<TIPrg>> |
Agreement Input Forms Related Tags |
Planned Hrs |
<<PMHRS>> |
Planned Cost |
<<PMCost>> |
Planned Cost per Hrs. |
<<PMCostPerHr>> |
Unplanned Hrs |
<<EMHrs>> |
Unplanned Cost |
<<EMCost>> |
Unplanned Cost per Hrs. |
<<EMCostPerHr>> |
Planned Material Cost |
<<PMMatCost>> |
Unplanned Material Cost |
<<EMMatCost>> |
Subcontract Cost |
<<SubCost>> |
Vehicle Cost |
<<VehicleCost>> |
Total Burden |
<<BurdenCost>> |
Total Cost |
<<TotalCost>> |
Total Cost |
<<Cost>> |
Gross Margin $ |
<<GMAmt>> |
Gross Margin % |
<<GMPct>> |
Sell Price |
<<AgreeAmt>> |
Dynamic Tags for Proposal Section Pages |
Proposal Section Name |
<<SectionNameWithoutSpace>> |
Example: Executive Summary |
<<ExecutiveSummary>> |
Dynamic Tags for Defined Agreement Schedule in Setup |
Agreement Schedule |
<<Sch_ScheduleName>> |
Example: Asset |
<<Sch_Assets>> |
All Schedule Text |
<<Schedules>> |
List Table |
Asset List |
<<EquipmentList>> |
Asset List with Mix Agr. Column |
<<EquipmentListMix>> |
Filter List |
<<FilterList>> |
Filter List with Cost column |
<<FilterListWithCost>> |
Belt List |
<<BeltList>> |
Belt List with Cost Column |
<<BeltListWithCost>> |
Part List |
<<PartList>> |
Part List with Cost Column |
<<PartListWithCost>> |
Inspection Schedule Column setup from the Print Column Setup |
<<InspectionSchedule>> |
Inspection Schedule |
<<InspectionSchedule2>> |
Assets Picture List |
<<Pics>> |
Condition Assessment Page Tags
Condition Forecast Tags |
CEC = Current Estimated Cost | OSP = Our Service Program |
CEC Remaining Useful Life Years |
<<CECRemainUsefulLife>> |
CEC Annual Asset Replacement Cost |
<<CECAnnaulAssetReplacement>> |
CEC Electric Cost |
<<CECElectricCost>> |
CEC GAS Cost |
<<CECGasCost>> |
CEC Other Energy Cost Label |
<<CECOtherEnegyCostLabel>> |
CEC Other Energy Cost |
<<CECOtherEnegyCostValue>> |
CEC Energy Cost Total |
<<CECTotalEnergyCost>> |
CEC Contracted Service % Replacement Cost |
<<CECContractedServicePer>> |
CEC Contract Service Cost |
<<CECContractedServiceCost>> |
CEC Material % Replacement Cost |
<<CECPartMaterialPer>> |
CEC Material Cost |
<<CECPartMaterialCost>> |
CEC In-House % Replacement Cost |
<<CECInHousePer>> |
CEC In-House Cost |
<<CECInHouseCost>> |
CEC Administration % Replacement Cost |
<<CECAdministrationPer>> |
CEC Administration Cost |
<<CECAdministrationCost>> |
CEC Lost Productivity % Replacement Cost |
<<CECLostProductivityPer>> |
CEC Lost Productivity Cost |
<<CECLostProductivityCost>> |
CEC Major Repairs % Replacement Cost |
<<CECMajorRepairPer>> |
CEC Major Repairs Cost |
<<CECMajorRepairCost>> |
CEC Other Cost Label |
<<CECOtherCostLabel>> |
CEC Other Cost % Replacement Cost |
<<CECOtherCostPer>> |
CEC Other Cost |
<<CECOtherCostValue>> |
CEC Total Cost |
<<CECTotal>> |
OSP Average Life Extension % |
<<OSPAvgLifeExtensionPerce>> |
OSP Average Life Extension Year |
<<OSPAvgLifeExtensionYear>> |
OSP Annual Asset Replacement Cost |
<<OSPAnnaulAssetReplacement>> |
OSP Clean Coil % Saving |
<<OSPCleanCoilSavePerce>> |
OSP Clean Coil $ Saving |
<<OSPCleanCoilSaveValue>> |
OSP Saving Strategy 1 Name |
<<OSPOther1SavingStraName>> |
OSP Saving Strategy 1 Saving % |
<<OSPOther1SavePerce>> |
OSP Saving Strategy 1 Saving $ |
<<OSPOther1SaveValue>> |
OSP Saving Strategy 2 Name |
<<OSPOther2SavingStraName>> |
OSP Saving Strategy 2 Saving % |
<<OSPOther2SavePerce>> |
OSP Saving Strategy 2 Saving $ |
<<OSPOther2SaveValue>> |
OSP Saving Strategy 3 Name |
<<OSPOther3SavingStraName>> |
OSP Saving Strategy 3 Saving % |
<<OSPOther3SavePerce>> |
OSP Saving Strategy 3 Saving $ |
<<OSPOther3SaveValue>> |
OSP Total Energy Cost |
<<OSPTotalEnergyCost>> |
OSP Contracted Service Cost |
<<OSPContractedServiceCost>> |
OSP Material Cost |
<<OSPPartMaterialCost>> |
OSP In-House Cost |
<<OSPInHouceStaffCost>> |
OSP Administration Cost |
<<OSPAdministrationCost>> |
OSP Lost Productivity Cost |
<<OSPLostProductivityCost>> |
OSP Major Repairs Cost |
<<OSPMajorRepairCost>> |
OSP Other Cost Label |
<<OSPOtherCostLabel>> |
OSP Other Cost |
<<OSPOtherCostValue>> |
OSP Our Service Cost |
<<OSPOurServiceCost>> |
OSP Total Cost |
<<OSPTotal>> |
Difference With Our Service |
<<ProgramComparisonDifference>> |
OSP Program Name |
<<ProgramName>> |
Cost for KWH |
<<CostForKWH>> |
SEER Rating |
<<SEERRating>> |
Annualized Chart Related Tags |
Annualized Asset Replacement Cost |
<<AnnualizedCostAssetReplacement>> |
Annualized Energy Cost |
<<AnnualizedCostEnergyCost>> |
Annualized Contracted Service Cost |
<<AnnualizedCostContractedServices>> |
Annualized Material Cost |
<<AnnualizedCostPartMaterial>> |
Annualized In-House Cost |
<<AnnualizedCostInHouse>> |
Annualized Administration Cost |
<<AnnualizedAdministrationStaff>> |
Annualized Lost Productivity Cost |
<<AnnualizedCostLostProductivity>> |
Annualized Major Repairs Cost |
<<AnnualizedCostMajorRepair>> |
Annualized Other Cost Label |
<<AnnualizedOtherCostLabel>> |
Annualized Other Cost Value |
<<AnnualizedOtherCostValue>> |
Annualized Total Cost |
<<AnnualizedTotaLCost>> |
National Average Range Tags |
Contracted Service National Avg. Range |
<<CSRange>> |
Parts & Material National Avg. Range |
<<PMRange>> |
Major Repairs National Avg. Range |
<<MRRange>> |
In-House National Avg. Range |
<<IHRange>> |
Administration National Avg. Range |
<<AdminRange>> |
Lost Productivity National Avg. Range |
<<LPRange>> |
Maintenance Reports Related Tags
Pricing Summary Report |
<<PricingSummary>> |
Pricing Detail Report |
<<PricingDetailsNew>> |
Tasking Schedule Report |
<<TaskingSchedule>> |
Visit Details Report |
<<VisitsDetail>> |
Maintenance Pricing Factor Related Tags
Location Setup Name |
<<LocationSetupName>> |
Overhead Burden Rate Per Hrs. |
<<BurdenRate>> |
Overhead Burden Margin |
<<BurdenMargin>> |
Service Labor Margin |
<<ServiceLaborMargin>> |
Service Material Margin |
<<ServiceMaterialMargin>> |
Sub Contract Margin |
<<SubContractMargin>> |
Parts and Material Margin |
<<PartsAndMaterialMargin>> |
Vehicle Cost Per Mile |
<<VehicleCostPerMile>> |
Labor Class 1 Name |
<<LaborClass1>> |
Labor Class 1 Cost |
<<LaborClass1Cost>> |
Labor Class 2 Name |
<<LaborClass2>> |
Labor Class 2 Cost |
<<LaborClass2Cost>> |
Labor Class 3 Name |
<<LaborClass3>> |
Labor Class 3 Cost |
<<LaborClass3Cost>> |
Labor Class 4 Name |
<<LaborClass4>> |
Labor Class 4 Cost |
<<LaborClass4Cost>> |
Labor Class 5 Name |
<<LaborClass5>> |
Labor Class 5 Cost |
<<LaborClass5Cost>> |
Maintenance and Project Reports and Proposal Related Tags
Opportunity Related Tags |
Opportunity Source |
<<OpportunitySource>> |
Opportunity Type |
<<OpportunityType>> |
Opportunity Custom Field 1 |
<<Custom1>> |
Opportunity Custom Field 2 |
<<Custom2>> |
Opportunity Custom Field 3 |
<<Custom3>> |
Opportunity Custom Field 4 |
<<Custom4>> |
Opportunity Custom Field 5 |
<<Custom5>> |
Opportunity Custom Field 6 |
<<Custom6>> |
Opportunity Custom Field 7 |
<<Custom7>> |
Opportunity Custom Field 8 |
<<Custom8>> |
Opportunity Custom Field 9 |
<<Custom9>> |
Opportunity Custom Field 10 |
<<Custom10>> |
Opportunity Approval Action Related Tags |
Approval Date |
<<ApprovalDate>> |
Approver Name |
<<ApproverName>> |
Project Module Tags
Project Job Related Tags |
Job Number |
<<JobId>> |
Project Name |
<<ProjectName>> |
Project Description |
<<ProjectDesc>> |
Market Type |
<<MarketType>> |