Important Note: NorthBoundary is now SalesManager. SalesManager retains all of the customer relationship management and proposal automation benefits of its predecessor, allowing you to create proposals, manage your sales funnel, win and retain top customers. To read more about this exciting change, click here.
The ServiceTrade + SalesManager Data Exchange, in SalesManager, will currently only push over the customer, location, contact, and asset information to ServiceTrade. Everything else needs to be manually created. That includes:
- Company Contracts and Prices
- Asset Grouping (for Mechanical)
- Recurring Services
- Recurring Invoices (for Enterprise Subscription Only)
This article will walk users through properly setting up Maintenance Proposals in ServiceTrade.
Video Walkthrough
Important Note: For fire customers, grouping assets, as seen in this video, is not recommended. Especially if you use InspectionManager. You will want to create recurring services for each instance of service and individual asset.
Step 1: The ServiceTrade + SalesManager Data Exchange - Pushing Customers, Contacts, and Assets
These steps should only be done when a Maintenance Proposal has been approved and sold. Click the following to learn more about Pushing SalesManager Maintenance Proposal (Assets, Customers, and Locations) to ServiceTrade
- In SalesManager, click Maintenance.
- On the Proposal List view, click on the relevant Maintenance Proposal.
- Under the Asset Inventory Menu, click the Actions drop-down menu.
- Click on Export Job to ServiceTrade and click OK.
This will send the Company, Location, Assets, and Contact to ServiceTrade.
Step 2: Create a Company Contract
Company Contracts in ServiceTrade are how you can track your Maintenance or Inspection contracts. Before you begin, read this article on Creating Company Contracts in ServiceTrade.
- In ServiceTrade, navigate to the newly created Location Page.
- Click to expand the Contracts accordion.
- Click + Add Contract. This will open the Create Contract and automatically start creating a company contract for this specific service location.
- In a separate tab or window, in SalesManager, navigate to the Maintenance Proposal.
- Click the Proposal Tab.
- Click Agreement in the table of contents. This is where the majority of information for the contract you are creating is contained.
- In ServiceTrade, on the create company contract menu, enter the following fields using the Agreement menu above. In the Video Walkthrough start at 7:23 to learn this portion:
- Contract Name: Give the contract a name that makes it clear it's for the maintenance proposal.
- Contract Start Date: This should be pulled from the Agreements Effective date of field.
- Contract End Date: This should be pulled from the Agreements Effective through field.
- Review On: The date this contract should be reviewed for renewal, typically 1-2 months prior to Contract End Date.
- Customer: This should be the Company for the maintenance proposal, and should be auto-filled.
- Salesperson: Should be the salesperson who won the proposal.
- Will Be Applied to Invoices For: Should be set to Single Location, and the service location should be selected.
- For Job Type: Typically you either select Preventative Maintenance or Inspection. Whichever you pick, it is important to create jobs for the services using this job type.
- Click Create.
- *optional Add any additional customer-specific item prices.
Step 3: Create Recurring Services
Before you begin, read this article on Creating and Managing Recurring Services article.
You can watch this at minute 16:30 in the Video Walkthrough.
- In a separate tab or window, in SalesManager, navigate to the Maintenance Proposal.
- Click the Planning Tab.
- Then click the Schedule Tab below.
- Verify that the P.M. section is accurate and click the Load Estimate to Schedule button.
- Scroll down to the Labor Schedule and keep this screen open, we will use this to create our recurring services. Any month that has total hours will represent a recurring service that needs to be created. The Month will be used for the Next Due in, and the Total Time will be used for Estimated Duration.
- Important Note: For Fire customers you will need to make a recurring service for each month with total hours and every asset that was sent over.
- Important Note: For Fire customers you will need to make a recurring service for each month with total hours and every asset that was sent over.
- In ServiceTrade, on the Location Page of the Maintenance Proposal, click the Add a New Service button under Act on this Location Menu.
- Enter in the information as follows:
- Asset to Service: For mechanical customers, select the Equipment Group Asset that was pushed over in Step 1: The ServiceTrade + SalesManager Data Exchange - Pushing Customers, Contacts, and Assets
- Service Line: Select the most relevant service line.
- Contract: Select the company contract you created.
- Description: Create a description that clearly defines what this service visit will be for. In this example, my Jan visit will be my 'Winter Planned Maintenance.'
- Estimated Duration: Enter the total hours from the SalesManager labor schedule for the month you are creating a recurring service for. In this example, for Jan, my estimated hours are 1.02.
- How large is this service's scheduling window?: This is almost always set to Whole Month.
- How often should this service occur?: This should be set to Annually.
- Next Due in: This should be set to the month of this services planned visit.
- Repeat every: This should be set to 1.
- Click Save.
- Repeat Steps 6-8 for every month of service. If you are a fire customer also repeat it for every asset that was pushed over.
Step 4: Create Recurring Invoices (for Enterprise Only)
Important Note: This workflow is ONLY for customers with an Enterprise Subscription.
Before you begin, read this article on Creating and Managing Recurring Invoices article.
You can watch this at minute 22:00 in the Video Walkthrough.
- In a separate tab or window, in SalesManager, navigate to the Maintenance Proposal.
- Click the Proposal Tab.
- Click Agreement in the table of contents. This is where the majority of information for the contract you are creating is contained.
- In ServiceTrade, on the customer's location page, click to expand the Recurring Invoices accordion.
- Click the + Add Recurring Invoice button.
- Enter in the information as follows:
- Contract: Select the company contract you created.
- Service Line: Select the most relevant service line.
- Description: Create a description that clearly defines what this recurring invoice will be for.
- How large is this service's scheduling window?: This is almost always set to Whole Month.
- How often should this invoice occur?: In SalesManager, look at the per year payable advanced installment of $ field and see what frequency it is set to. set the recurring invoice accordingly.
- Next Invoice for: Set the date of the first invoice month and year.
- Repeat every: In SalesManager, look at the per year payable advanced installment of $ field and see what frequency it is set to. set the recurring invoice accordingly.
- Click the + Add Item button.
- Enter an item description of the payment line item.
- set the unit price to the value set in the per year payable advanced installment of $ field.
- Click Save.